I graduated from UNSW with MBBS Hons in February 1991.
I have been a fellow member of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners since 4th October 1996.
I have worked at Westmeadand Mt Druitt Hospital including the Emergency Department where I enjoyed Orthopaedic, Cardiac Thoracic and Urology Surgery.
I established Provincial Medical Centre alongside Dr Mick Pich, and we have been operating since December 1995 in St Clair Shopping Centre as Directors.
I enjoy working with all the Doctors and Staff at Provincial Medical and have had the opportunity to meet a lot of great patients.
I have special interests in all aspects of General Practice including Sports Medicine/Orthopaedic and Counselling.
In my down time I like spending time with my 3 teenage girls, gliding, horse riding, kayaking, hover crafting and aeromodelling and playing Badminton.